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The science of life

Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that originated in India around 5,000 years ago.
It is the medical or healing branch of Yoga, helping to prepare our bodies for long term health. In addition to the physical body Ayurveda refers to the subtle body, mind, soul and charkas. Based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between body, mind and spirit it uses self-healing from the causes of disease in contrast to treating disease with drugs.
An Ayurvedic consultation is a comprehensive exam aimed at discovering imbalances in your system or uncovering what may be causing  physical or mental discomfort. It is made through a combination of a complete and detailed history including pulse diagnosis, tongue, eyes, skin, hair, stomach disorders, sleep and diet patterns that will help to reveal underlying factors in the disease process.
The initial consultation is a 90 minutes appointment. Following the consultation I will give you a detailed explanation of where imbalances may lie, as well as dietary guidelines, herbal suggestions, relaxation techniques, detoxification therapies, exercise and lifestyle recommendations.Together we will plan your holistic program to stay relaxed, healthy, and strong.
Private Ayurveda treatments Marbella
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